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Computer Support & Service for your Business

Computer repair service in Liverpool and Wirral

Are you a new company or a small to medium-sized business? I can help you on specific projects or be your entire IT department. I have vast IT knowledge and experience.
How I can help your business
Trekk keeps your IT network reliable and running at peak performance.Trekk saves you money by keeping your company up and running, increasing productivity. Trekk gives you peace of mind knowing that your IT is "up" and protected.
Liverpool and Wirral computer repair service - PC doctor
24/7 Remote Monitoring
Proactive Desktop and Server Management
Onsite Troubleshooting and PC Support
Email and Virus Protection
Software Support & Training
Strategic Planning
Backup and Recover
VPN & Security
Voice over IP
Web design and SEO

To order a system, follow the procurement link above, just register first.

Local repairs and support for home computer users

Do you live in one of the following areas and need computer help?

Penny Lane, City Centre, Allerton, Woolton, Mossley Hill, Garston, Huyton, Old Swan, West Derby, Liverpool, Wirral, West Kirby, Hoylake, Birkenhead, New Brighton, Wallasey, Greasby, Widnes, North West?

I will come out and diagnose and troubleshoot computer errors and offer a clear repair service or "no fix no fee". Many of the issues I help with are spyware and virus removal, data backup, system installations and upgrades, internet and wireless (WiFi) issues, hardware and data problems, website design and even billing and account advice

Click the link below to check the next available appointment slot:-

I have supported the following companies with the design, hosting and even SEO (search engine optimisation) of their websites:-
Nictel E Liquid

Computer Support Enquiry Form

Schedule your free consultation now


Our Business Is bettering Your Business!

What people are saying:-
"Trekk were here to provide valuable technical support and advice during a computer software transition. Their support technicians helped us engineer our needs to meet hardware and software requirements - their continued support has made our system secure and compliant over the last three years."
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